Lesson 13 – Scale Degree Numbers for Major and Minor Scales

In this article, I am going to teach you about Scale Degree Numbers. Each musical note in a Major or Minor Scale can be numbered from 1 to 1. The numbers assigned to the musical notes in a Major or Minor Scale are known as Scale Degree Numbers. These Numbers can help us to easily identify the musical notes that are within a Major or Minor Scale. For example, if I tell you to play ‘ the 5 ‘ or the ‘5th note’ in the Key of G Major (i.e. within the G Major Scale), then that means that I’m referring to the 5th note that is within the G Major Scale. The ‘ fifth note ‘ or ‘ the 5 ‘ in the G Major Scale is the note D.

The first note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 1. For example, in the C Major Scale, the first note is C; hence, the note C = 1.

The second note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 2. For example, in the C Major Scale, the second note is D; hence, the note D = 2.

The third note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 3. For example, in the C Major Scale, the third note is E; hence, the note E = 3.

The fourth note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 4. For example, in the C Major Scale, the fourth note is F; hence, the note F = 4.

The fifth note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 5. For example, in the C Major Scale, the fifth note is G; hence, the note G = 5.

The sixth note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 6. For example, in the C Major Scale, the sixth note is A; hence, the note A = 6.

The seventh note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 7. For example, in the C Major Scale, the seventh note is B; hence, the note B = 7.

The eighth note of any Major or Minor Scale can be assigned with the number 1. For example, in the C Major Scale, the eighth note is C; hence, this particular note C = 1. Please note that the eighth note of any Major or Minor Scale has the same name as the first note of that Major or Minor Scale. For example, the first note of the D Major Scale is D and the last note of the D Major Scale is also D.

Let me do another example; let’s assign Scale Degree Numbers to the E Natural Minor Scale. Here is the answer below:

E = 1 , F# = 2 , G = 3 , A = 4 , B = 5 , C = 6 , D = 7 , E = 1

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