The 14 Free Piano and Music Theory Lessons are below the first video that is on this page. The first video on this page is a Piano Performance by the Instructor.

Piano Performance by the Instructor

Free Piano and Music Theory Lessons

Layout of the Piano or Keyboard

Names of the Keys that are on the Piano

Developing Independence between the Right Hand and the Left Hand

Musical Intervals

Scales and Major Scales

Why Major and Minor Scales are the building blocks of Music | The Key of a Song or a Piece of Music

Logical explanation of how to play the Piano

Natural Minor Scales

Scale Degrees for Major Scales and Natural Minor Scales

Major, Minor and Perfect Intervals

Diminished and Augmented Intervals

The Circle of Fifths

How to find the relative Major and Natural Minor Scales via the Circle of Fifths

How the Circle of Fifths shows how many sharps & flats are in 12 Major Scales

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